Welcome to our new Post doc Dr. Ke Huang!
Mette Bendixen
Bendixen Lab is excited to welcome our new Postdoc Ke Huang, who will be working on the Villum Experiment project ‘Drawing a line in the sand: Mapping sand mining in Africa for future sustainable usage’.
Dr. Ke Huang holds a PhD in Ecology (2017) from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), China and has a strong background in spatial analyses, remote sensing and deep learning. Prior to this position, she held a post doc position in the lab of Professor Rasmus Fensholt, University of Copenhagen.
The project is a high risk/high gain project, which seeks to investigate whether recent advances in satellite remote sensing technology and promising techniques in the use of deep learning algorithms rooted in AI (artificial intelligence) can be used to analyze geomorphic landscape changes to automatically detect present day sand mining activities in Africa.
The ultimate gain of the project will be to produce the first ever map of sand mining activities across the entire African continent.