Drawing a line in the sand: Mapping sand mining in Africa for future sustainable usage [2022-ongoing]
The project will develop a data-driven method using machine learning and remote sensing imagery to provide a complete overview of sand mining activities in Africa.
Conflicts and synergies of sand mining on the increasingly populated African continent [2021- ongoing]
The project seeks to gain new insights into the complex relationships that exist between sand mining and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to sustainably manage and govern this essential natural resource while developing and improving the livelihood for people in Africa.
SANDGEM [2019-ongoing]
Sand and gravel are being extracted faster than they can be replaced. We need to manage this resource to protect environment and avoid the world running out, and to acknowledge sand’s importance in improving livelihoods.
GreenSAND [2019 - 2022]
Investigating the potential for exploiting Greenlandic sediments to meet the global demand
NEW Oct 2020: Household survey to understand Greenlanders perspectives on a potential sand industry
The PROGLAKE project [2018- 2021]
The goal of PROGLAKE is to elucidate the role of proglacial lakes as a key player in landscape dynamics between the glaciers and coastal regions in Greenland.